domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

About my exchange with Prof. Jerome Bruner

Tonight I'm very moved, I've enjoyed a wonderful day and been through a wonderful experience: today I went to Jerome Bruner's conference at Patio de la Madera. Not only I heard him say enlightening things about education, which I will soon write about, but I have also had the wonderful and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of talking to him in person, one on one. After his speech, the organizers allowed assistants to ask questions, but time had ran out and I lost the opportunity to participate. However, being cara rota as I am, when the conference finished and as Bruner got up and headed for the exit, I approached him and dared to talk to him. As politely as it was possible, I touched his shoulder to draw his attention and said: "Mr. Bruner, Mr. Bruner.." He turned around.
- "May I ask you a question?"
- "Of course."
He bowed his head and came closer to me so that I could ask my question in his ear. He answered. After his answer he told me and the people who had gathered around us a few anecdotes. He said that we had to start thinking about things in different ways, that he was pleased to see us approaching life in a different way, being open to new ideas, wanting to change things. When saying this, he held my hand and shook it. I was more than pleased, there's no need to say. A group of girls wanted to ask him a question as well, but didn't know how to speak English, so I translated. They wanted to know what he thought about how to approach education whith children whose basic needs cannot be satisfied, he talked about poverty. He talked about school and poverty in America, and then one more anecdote.
The tone of his voice, his grandpa look and the sweetness in his words, his appreciation for our being there at the conference, listening to him, I will never forget. How lucky I was today to speak to someone whom I admire so much I will never forget either. This experience was unbelievable and I want to thank my teachers at St. Bartholomew's Teaching Training Course for having introduced me to the ideas of this wonderful and kind man. I want to "thank" myself for having beaten my deeply rooted inhibitions as well. And I want to thank this man for having spoken his ideas out loud. On a more personal and emotional basis, I want to thank him for having being so kind and so nice to me. Finally, I want to say I only hope that in the future we will be able to apply his ideas and fight for what we all need, better education, no more, no less.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Teaching Keywords

meaningful learning; global teaching; critical thinking; emotional intelligence; ethics;motivation