miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Storytelling - The Giant Chest

Once upon a time in the Caribbean, there was a pirate named Ronnie who hunted for treasures under the sea. Ronnie was great at hunting treasures; every year he found many chests full of gold and precious stones. One day, he found one particularly big treasure. It was huge! Ronnie was very excited! He couldn’t wait to open the chest. So, he pulled from a rope that was tied to the chest. He pulled and pulled, but the chest was too heavy... So he tried to pull harder once more, and he pulled and pulled but the chest didn’t move. He realized then that it was impossible for him to pull the chest on his own, so, he decided to call his many friends under the sea. First, he called the rainbowfish. Ronnie pulled the chest and the rainbowfish pulled Ronnie, together they pulled and pulled, but the chest didn’t move. The poor rainbowfish was too small and he wasn’t of much help, so Ronnie had an idea, he called the shark, who was very big and strong! They tried once again. Ronnie pulled the chest, the rainbowfish pulled Ronnie, the shark pulled the rainbowfish, together they pulled, pulled and pulled... But...the chest didn’t move. So they called another animal, the seahorse. Ronnie pulled the chest, the rainbowfish pulled Ronnie, the shark pulled the rainbowfish and the seahorse pulled the shark. Together they pulled, pulled and pulled...but the chest didn’t move. So they said, “Well now, we must call Octie, with his eight legs he WILL be able to help us.” So they called the octopus. Ronnie pulled the chest, the rainbowfish pulled Ronnie, the shark pulled the rainbowfish, the seahorse pulled the shark and the octopus pulled the shark. Together they pulled and pulled again, but the chest didn’t come out. So they called the whale, which was hugee! They said “Now yes, the chest WILL come out.” So the whale pulled the octopus, the octopus pulled the seahorse, the seahorse pulled the shark, the shark pulled the rainbowfish, the rainbowfish pulled Ronnie, Ronnie pulled the chest, together they pulled and pulled but the chest didn’t move. (+ the starfish; the jellyfish; the crab; the dolphin) (...) When they realized, all the seanimals had been called to help Ronnie the Pirate, and they were all there, ready to pull stronger than ever. The dolphin pulled the crab, the crab pulled the jellyfish, the jellyfish pulled the starfish, the starfish pulled the whale, the whale pulled the octopus, the octopus pulled the seahorse, the seahorse pulled the shark, the shark pulled the rainbowfish, the rainbowfish pulled Ronnie. Together they pulled, they pulled and they pulled and the chest... The chest come out of the sand and there it was! Together with all the sea animals Ronnie managed to pull the chest out of the ground. He was so excited!! He opened the chest and inside a great treasure was hidden, it was all shiny and golden, they were chocolate coins!! Ronnie was so proud of his treasure and his friends, and he was so thankful also to them that he decided to share his treasure with all of them.

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